Vacation With Your Dog – 5 Dog Friendly Vacation Ideas

If you and your dog are attached at the hip, vacation will be better for both of you if you do something together. Here are 5 great ideas of including your pooch in your vacation plans.

1. Look for hotels that are pet friendly. More hotels and motels are opening their doors to pets, and these rooms are available in all price ranges and styles of hotels. Check out pet friendly hotels or have a travel agent do it for you. You will find almost every variable for pet stays.

Some require a refundable deposit; some charge a non refundable deposit up front, other charge more per night, and still other are willing to refund your deposit if the room is left in good condition.

2. Choose a destination that will allow you to have your dog with you most of the times rather than having to leave it in the room for long periods during the day, although, if it comes to that, having your dog with you each night is better than not seeing it at all for a week.

If you choose a destination where you dog is not able to be with you during the day, make sure you make water available, leave the air conditioner on a comfortable setting, leave the television on low, and remember to put the Do Not Disturb sign on the door to avoid any contact with the hotel staff.

3. Rent a cottage that is pet friendly. This gives you the most control over how your family chooses to spend each day of the vacation. Choosing the mountains, or the beach or other outdoor destinations means your dog can spend large portions of each day with you.

If your family enjoys, biking, hiking, and swimming and the cottage you’ve chosen allows for all of that, it will make for a perfect family vacation.

4. Arrange to house swap with family or friends in distant locales for vacation. And they probably need to be close family and good friends in order to do this successfully. This is easier on your budget than paying for a hotel or cottage and is a great incentive for both parties to clean and spruce up their homes and yards.

Make sure they are aware beforehand that your dog will be vacationing with you in their home. Ask if you can arrange things to accommodate your dog with the understanding that they you will return things to their original place before you leave. And of course, leaving their home in pristine condition will likely get you an invitation for another stay next year.

5. There’s no rule that says your vacation has to be spent entirely away from home. If you are anxious about leaving your dog for a week or two it can spoil the fun and anticipation that it is a usual part getting ready to go. Don’t rule out day trips. They eliminate the need for long term packing and planning, yet are a welcome change of routine. And your dog still gets to spend time with you every day.

But the day trips would always allow you to return home to your pooch in the evenings much like you do when you’re at work. You could also spend some of your days at home with your dog doing those things that you always envision yourself doing if you didn’t work away from your home.

Long walks, picnics in the park, or even a day curled up with a good book and your dog at your feet all sound like a heavenly vacation for both of you.

Don’t wait for a vacation as an excuse to remove dog hair, dander, and odor from your air. You can have fresh air every day with the air purifier at