
We know a cruise vacation will please the mom who doesn’t have to pack lunches, prepare dinner, make a bed or wash the dishes. But what guarantees a great vacation for the rest of the family?One answer is the itinerary. If the ports of call have something for everyone in the family, you are sure to have a great trip. If your trip is basically a casino tour of the Caribbean, you will probably strike out. But if you are going somewhere that has boatloads of activities – snorkeling, cave exploring, hiking, horseback riding, etc. – your family has a better chance of getting that dream vacation.

If you are cruising to the Caribbean, remember to avoid hurricane season (late summer to early fall), and remember the sunscreen. The sun is hot, so a 50+ SPF sunscreen and plenty of bottled water are a must. If you are worried about taking a baby stroller into the crowded streets, remember that the early morning is the best time to venture out. Traffic is manageable and the sun is low. If you decide to go out after noontime on, consider using a baby backpack to transport your little one.

Family Cruises

The other way to ensure a great family cruise vacation is to travel on a ship that caters to the whole family. You may think cruises are all alike, but they are not. A family cruise consciously plans activities that cater to the different age groups of families. They also keep in mind that they need to give parents some alone time or time with other adults. You will know you are joining a family cruise by the different age-appropriate activities.

Still in Diapers

Royal Caribbean International’s Royal Babies program offers funs for the 6- to 18-month-old crowd, with activities designed by childhood development experts from Fisher-Price. But if you are not on that plan, you will want to pack some extra equipment to keep your baby comfortable during the trip. Yes, pack your stroller so you can circle the deck. Call ahead and see if a crib is available for your room, and ask about toddler food, as well.You should also expect that even on a family cruise, most cruise lines will not allow those who are not potty trained into the pool.

If that’s the case, it’s a good idea to pack an inflatable pool into your suitcase so your little one can have some fun in the water. You can also throw in some inflatable balls and toys to keep the fun going.If the parents have their heart set on some adult activities, investigate the available on-board babysitters. Organizers of family cruises will expect parents to want babysitters and many are prepared with trained babysitters. Of course, you need to put your mind at ease, but the easiest way to do with is while you are making arrangements.

Younger Cruisers

For the elementary-aged crowd, Carnival Cruise Lines offers Camp Carnival. Your children will have a camp counselor who guides them through the program. They will make new friends onboard the ship and have a few hours of fun away from the folks. If your child does not want to join in the organized fun, there are other ways to keep them involved – such as fitness classes. Or you may want to bring a buddy along for your child. Another way to involve your children in the adventure of a cruise is to equip them with a disposable camera. Tell your children you want them to photograph the things they find fun and the people they want to remember.


Let’s face it. Sometimes teenagers can be the most difficult family members to please. But a good family cruise will have activities planned for teenagers, who are more prone to cut lose when they are away from their parents and among other teens. Celebrity Cruises offers the Admiral T’s program, which offers fitness programs, dancing, karaoke contests and even video game competitions. Other activities that attract teens include open air cinemas with the latest movies, shows and 24-hour eating.

Family Time

Cruise lines realize you do not take a cruise to spend every minute apart from your children, so you will want to be sure there is some quality family time planned, as well. Look for activities that most of the family can enjoy – like Norwegian Cruise Line’s rock-climbing wall, full-size tennis courts and fun water slides.


There are other ways to plan a family cruise vacation. For example, consider spending a holiday at sea with your family. If you want something different, this may be it. Cruise lines like the Royal Caribbean will provide special holiday meals, activities and even church services. Or maybe your family is planning a reunion, but no one has a house big enough to hold everyone. Book a cruise together and let the cruise line work out the accommodations.

Daniel Ricon is a freelance writer who writes about travel and leisure topics and options such as cruise vacations.