Most Extreme Locations in the World

Tourists visiting the Dead Sea, the lowest elevation on Earth.
Need some bragging rights on your next vacation?
A round up the most extreme places on the planet, including:

  • Dallol, Ethiopia: The globe’s hottest inhabited area. The average air temperature (highest in the world) is a stifling 93.9 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • The Dead Sea, Jordan/Israel: The lowest point on the planet. The shore of the Dead Sea is 1,390 feet below sea level. (Picture Tourists visiting the Dead Sea, the lowest elevation on Earth.)
  • Krubera Cave, Georgia: The world’s deepest cave. It reaches back 7,188 feet.
  • Mount Thor, Baffin Island, Canada: The biggest vertical drop on Earth. Located in the Auyuittuq National Park, fearless base jumpers can plunge 4,100 feet.
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